Fighting Games

Today there is a wide variety of PC games, both those that need to be downloaded and installed, and those that can be launched directly in the browser. Many people choose the second category, since there is no need to waste time on the preparatory stage and by launching your favorite game, for example, a fighting game, you can immediately rush into battle. This genre, where the player must defeat the enemy in a fight, is especially popular.

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Of course, the overwhelming majority of players in fighting games are boys, since the dynamic development of events and the use of various techniques is something that is sometimes so lacking in the real world. Of course, fighting games will not be complete without everyone's favorite characters, such as: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Hulk, Ben-10, Naruto and others. In such games, children do not have to think about how to solve this or that puzzle and, if they just want to relax a little, then fights, both for one player and for two, are what they need!

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