Red and Blue Stickman Huggy

1134 players
Red and Blue Stickman Huggy
Red and Blue Stickman Huggy
Game controls
Player 1
Blue Huggy Waggy's movement
Reset level / Next level
Player 2
Red Huggy Waggy's movement

Description and purpose of the game

Our cute red and blue little men will never get tired of trouble. This time, these characters found a passage under an abandoned old castle. They're trying to find a way out, but they need you to help them make it through. As much as they need your leadership, they also need each other. Since what the red character cannot do, the blue character can do it, and vice versa.

How to play

Controlling two characters, you need to collect all the golden items to earn as many points as possible, find the key, and then get to the door to open it and move on to the next stage. Take advantage of items that can help you get faster or go further, but be careful not to get trapped and die because you have a limited amount of life. If one man dies, the game will still end for both.

Game is not working?

HTML5 games work in all browsers and do not require the installation of plugins

If the game does not start, try the following:

  • Refresh the page (F5 key for computer)
  • If you use an ad blocker, disable it
  • Wait longer if you have a low internet connection speed.
  • Try opening the game in a different browser. (Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser)

If all else fails - let us know.

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