Cube of zombies

Walkthrough video Comment
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Desktop only
Hero's movement mouse-all or mouse-all
Look around mouse-all
Shoot mouse-all
AIM mouse-all
Change weapon mouse-all
Reload weapon mouse-all
Pick up item mouse-all
Run mouse-all
Jump mouse-all
Lock / Unlock mouse cursor mouse-all
Pause / Menu mouse-all

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Cube of zombies Description and purpose of the game

You are a traveler and find yourself in an abandoned city. Unfortunately for you, you are not alone! You are inside a post-apocalyptic simulation cube in which there is nothing alive but you. You find yourself surrounded by carnivorous zombies and you must do your best to protect yourself and survive.

How to play

You are surrounded by bloodthirsty monsters who have come to eat you. To prevent this, collect survival kits and lots of ammo, be careful and look around all the time, heal your wounds, aim for their heads and stay safe!
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