Hexa two

3543 players
Hexa two
Hexa two
Game controls
Player 1
Control the hero
Player 2
Control the hero

Description and purpose of the game

A huge field consisting of polygons, as well as many opponents who strive to throw you into the abyss - this is what awaits you in this game. Here you can have fun with a friend or alone. In the first case, the screen will be divided into two parts and each participant will need to monitor their runner. The one who first falls down will lose.

How to play

The levels change frequently. They can be single-storey or multi-storey. Their main difference lies in the duration of the round, because it will be much more difficult to fall into the abyss if the map consists of many floors. Running along the polygons, the hero destroys them. Other rivals do this as well, and your task is to survive and become a champion.

fun but ilish love games

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HTML5 games work in all browsers and do not require the installation of plugins

If the game does not start, try the following:

  • Refresh the page (F5 key for computer)
  • If you use an ad blocker, disable it
  • Wait longer if you have a low internet connection speed.
  • Try opening the game in a different browser. (Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser)

If all else fails - let us know.

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