Tic Tac Toe games

Tic Tac Toe is an exciting and addictive game from childhood. To arrange a logical battle, it is not at all necessary to draw a field on a piece of paper. Launch the game from the Tic Tac Toe series that you like. Choose the classic 3x3 field or try something new and fight with a friend in a battle on a huge field with over a hundred cells.


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Tic Tac Toe games

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Classic tic-tac-toe online and not only

Tic-tac-toe is a popular game that everyone knows about from school. It is important to note that the game is returning to its former popularity and this is wonderful, because players are provided with a variety. Here, players will have a hot battle against artificial intelligence, or if you want to know who has the best brain, then you can fight with a friend. These logic games are designed for both one, two players, or four at once, but in this case, you will have to place pieces on several fields at the same time. Also, versions of tic-tac-toe differ from each other in the characters that need to be drawn in the cells. In some online games, they can be replaced with faces of familiar characters, like Peppa Pig and her dad. In games that are designed for a larger number of participants, other shapes such as triangles and squares are provided, and not just "X" and "O". By and large, the difference between tic-tac-toe lies in the background. There are the following types:

  • Classics on a piece of paper in a box;
  • On a colored background;
  • In cartoon design;
  • In neon style;
  • On the school board.

Changing the rules in tic-tac-toe

A standard Tic Tac Toe is a 3 by 3 box. In such a game, the winner is the one who first manages to make a winning combination - to line up three symbols in a row. If you increase the plot to twenty-five cells, then the rules will also change. In this case, a line of 5 pieces will be considered a winning combination. It does not matter in which direction the player will place them. To prevent the enemy from winning, you need to anticipate moves and put "X" or "O" ahead. It also happens that no one collects a winning combination and then a draw is announced.

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