Counter Terrorist Strike

Walkthrough video Comment
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Desktop only
Hero's movement mouse-all or mouse-all
Look around mouse-all
Shoot mouse-all
AIM mouse-all
Reload weapon mouse-all
Change Gun mouse-all or mouse-all
Run mouse-all
Crouch mouse-all
Jump mouse-all
Lie down mouse-all

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Counter Terrorist Strike Description and purpose of the game

A classic first-person shooter game, but with an updated location design. If you like this type of games, then you will recognize this location, because it can be borowed from the CS series. You will have a small head start over your opponents, as you can easily navigate, hide and make a devastating hit from cover. In this game, you alone have to confront a criminal group without rescuing hostages or terrorist attacks. Your main task is to destroy all opponents.

How to play

At each stage there will be a shootout with a group of terrorists. And if you're going to be fighting alone with no allies, then these guys prefer to move in pairs or more to make sure you get killed. But you play the role of not an ordinary soldier, but a master of counter-terrorist operations, so you can easily neutralize opponents and complete any mission you set. Do not linger on the ground. You'd develop tactics to detect enemies and eliminate them. Find their military base and destroy it.
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