Flo And Fraz

913 players
Flo And Fraz
Flo And Fraz
Game controls
Player 1
Flazbert control
Launch a fireball
Player 2
Florence control

Description and purpose of the game

Princess Florence's kingdom used to have a happy and carefree life, but one day everything changed in an instant when evil trolls broke into the castle and stole all the precious diamonds that were stored there. Unfortunately there was no one in the kingdom who would agree to go to the trolls' den and return the stolen diamonds. Then Princess Florence, as a wise ruler, decides to go in search of the diamonds herself, taking her faithful friend dragon Flasbert as her assistant.

How to play

Help Princess Flo and her dragon Fraz overcome many obstacles, deal with evil trolls and recover stolen jewels. Fraz can destroy enemies from a distance by firing a fireball, while Florenz in turn, deftly controls the royal saber. You can play along with a friend or take turns controlling the heroes. For convenience, the game has two screens so you can see the two characters simultaneously when they are not together.

Game is not working?

HTML5 games work in all browsers and do not require the installation of plugins

If the game does not start, try the following:

  • Refresh the page (F5 key for computer)
  • If you use an ad blocker, disable it
  • Wait longer if you have a low internet connection speed.
  • Try opening the game in a different browser. (Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser)

If all else fails - let us know.

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