Paw Patrol Academy

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Desktop only
Control a policeman and a pilot mouse-all mouse-all
Sort garbage / Erect buildings / Put out fire mouse-all or mouse-all or mouse-all

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Paw Patrol Academy Description and purpose of the game

Each character from the Paw Patrol has its own task, which must be completed without mistakes. One dog has to rescue ducks who are on a busy highway, and the other one has to put out a fire in a building. The mission of the dog girl is to collect the turtles that went to the sky in balloons, and the builder needs to erect the building while the cleaner sorts the garbage.

How to play

To control such heroes as a policeman and a pilot, you need arrows. With their help, you can move the heroes along the track and clouds, thereby avoiding collisions with obstacles. And in order to sort the garbage, you need to use the mouse. You can also build buildings in this way, and also by pressing the spacebar. You can also put out fires, the main thing is to wait until the hose is at the desired height.
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