Play on Synthesizer

2331 players
Play on Synthesizer
Play on Synthesizer
Game controls
Play the piano

Description and purpose of the game

Let's get acquainted with a kind of piano, namely a synthesizer. This unique musical instrument reproduces the sounds of the piano familiar to us, but in addition, you can use a completely different sound option, because it is a keyboard electronic instrument. Each tune can be played in different octaves, and additional "chips" such as beats or basses will turn any song into a hit. Let's take a closer look at the synthesizer.

How to play

Compared to the piano, it has fewer keys, but there is an additional layout of buttons with special functionality. You can select a melody from the list to play it. Pay close attention to the bright dots on the keys and press them when they turn green. Try to play to the beat and not get lost.

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  • Refresh the page (F5 key for computer)
  • If you use an ad blocker, disable it
  • Wait longer if you have a low internet connection speed.
  • Try opening the game in a different browser. (Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser)

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