Princesses: Sk8ter Girls
1544 players

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Game controls
Dress the princesses up
Description and purpose of the game
The princesses gathered at the sports ground to ride skateboards. Help them choose the right ones for this outfit. Also, girls should get rid of all blemishes on the face. You can choose clothes only after you put makeup on the cute heroines. You can also change the drawing on the skateboard to one that will appeal not only to you but also to the princesses themselves.
How to play
To choose cosmetics and outfits for princesses, use one button - the left mouse. Take your time and make your choice consciously. Create the heroines you've always dreamed of. Feel free to experiment and apply bright makeup to the cute faces of your characters. In the choice of clothes, you should also not limit yourself. Dress up all four girls so they can head to the court and skate.
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