
Walkthrough video Comment
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Desktop only
Helicoptre control mouse-all mouse-all
Left/ Right mouse-all mouse-all
Shoot mouse-all
Pause mouse-all
Menu mouse-all

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Heli-Rescue Description and purpose of the game

An integral part of any army, there are pilots who are ready to go into hot spots to save their men. Today you'll be in the wheel of a rescue helicopter and you'll go into enemy territory to rescue your soldiers. You'll have to search for and rescue guys who have been taken hostage by the enemy in territory that is securely guarded from both the sky and the ground.

How to play

Choose one of the three helicopters in which you are ready to go on a mission. As soon as you start flying over enemy territory, be very careful, because there are enemy vehicles everywhere, which will try to shoot down the helicopter. Open fire to kill and destroy the enemy's air defenses. Find the lost soldiers and flying close to them, take each one. Watch for fuel as well, and as soon as it's running low, quickly return to your base for refueling.
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