Momo 2

635 players
Momo 2
Momo 2
Game controls
Guy control
Turn on the flashlight
Pause/ Menu

Description and purpose of the game

Some say that Momo is a fantasy, while others say that this monster comes only in dreams and takes you into its mad world, and feeds on the suffering of its victim. One day you and your family moved to a new home, escaping from a past life filled with the horror of those days. Snuggled up in your bed, you think it's finally over. But as you open your eyes, you realize that She got to you here too. If you're weak, you'll never be able to get out of your own dreams.

How to play

Look around the room and go to rest. When you wake up you realize that something creepy has happened in your room, and possibly the whole house. Reading a message on your phone, you realize that Momo is not a fairy tale at all, and looking in a dark corner of the room, you see a creepy creature. Your task is to get out, saving your own life. Everything you need is in different parts of the house. Be guided by common sense, solve logical problems and try to put the monster behind bars.

Game is not working?

HTML5 games work in all browsers and do not require the installation of plugins

If the game does not start, try the following:

  • Refresh the page (F5 key for computer)
  • If you use an ad blocker, disable it
  • Wait longer if you have a low internet connection speed.
  • Try opening the game in a different browser. (Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser)

If all else fails - let us know.

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