Survival simulator

1148 players
Survival simulator
Survival simulator
Game controls
Hero's movement
Look around
Pick up item
Change weapon

Description and purpose of the game

You will find yourself alone with nature, far from civilization. And everything seems to be harmonious and calm, surrounded by the singing of birds, the noise of mountain rivers and the rustle of grass, but this idyll will be disturbed by not entirely friendly inhabitants of the forest. There is no way to get out to the safe zone on your own. Therefore, you have to demonstrate at all costs all the skills of a boy scout and a brave soldier in one person in order to survive in this trap.

How to play

Survival Simulator will take you to a dense dangerous forest where you have to set up camp to sleep at night, cook food and craft various items for survival. At the bottom of the game you will be able to watch your level of life, which will show indicators of hunger, energy, thirst and health in general. They need to be supported accordingly. With the help of weapons, you can kill an animal in the forest to get meat for food, skin and fur for clothing. You will also be surrounded by other useful forest resources that you can mine.

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  • Refresh the page (F5 key for computer)
  • If you use an ad blocker, disable it
  • Wait longer if you have a low internet connection speed.
  • Try opening the game in a different browser. (Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser)

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