Breaking the Bank [Henry Stickmin]

1417 players
Breaking the Bank [Henry Stickmin]
Breaking the Bank [Henry Stickmin]
Game controls
Choose the action of Stickmin

Description and purpose of the game

Every prominent swindler at least once in his life, but made plans to rob a bank, and perhaps even tried to do it. Today, our petty thief Henry Stickmin wanted to become a celebrity, and at the same time get a large sum of money. He decided to start with small - try to rob a bank, which is located in the middle of the desert, so that if something does not go according to the plan, then there would be an opportunity to hide. Although the bank is securely guarded by an armed group of security guards and policemen, Henry sees no obstacles to the implementation of his plans. Well, the decision is made, now try to get into the vault of the bank and then maybe you can get at least some of the money out of there.

How to play

You have to help Henry Stickmin rob a bank in the desert. Henry will try to enter the bank through the back entrance, and here you will have 6 options to choose from. Think carefully about what can follow each of them, and make your choice. All the consequences now depend only on you. If you can’t immediately guess which of the actions is the most appropriate, then you will first see what your choice will lead to, and then you can change it and create a new plot of the story.

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  • Refresh the page (F5 key for computer)
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  • Wait longer if you have a low internet connection speed.
  • Try opening the game in a different browser. (Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser)

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