Mini Golf of Death

845 players
Mini Golf of Death
Mini Golf of Death
Game controls
Set the trajectory and speed of the ball

Description and purpose of the game

Pixel platformer based on the game of golf. You need to overcome all the obstacles that are located on the way to the goal, and roll a white ball into the hole, which is located at the foot of the red flag. You have to be especially careful and cautious not to fall into a dangerous trap and get to the finish line unharmed.

How to play

Try to reach your goal in the fewest number of moves. Your goal is indicated by a red flag. Pull the line in the opposite direction from the desired direction of the ball. The longer the line, the faster will be the speed of the ball, and accordingly the distance traveled will increase. Be careful, because there are many traps along the way, including: sharp spikes, dynamite and even death ambassadors who are trying to block the path for the ball.

Game is not working?

HTML5 games work in all browsers and do not require the installation of plugins

If the game does not start, try the following:

  • Refresh the page (F5 key for computer)
  • If you use an ad blocker, disable it
  • Wait longer if you have a low internet connection speed.
  • Try opening the game in a different browser. (Google Chrome or Yandex.Browser)

If all else fails - let us know.

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